Gauvin Publications
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- Category: English (root)
- Published on Friday, 31 March 2017 20:04
- Written by Super User
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Publications (Marc Gauvin): 2009-2015
Background Foundation
- Fundamentals of Stability/Passivity
- Passive BIBO Currency Distinguishing Claims
- The Why of Money
- The Importance of Stability Analysis to All Money Systems
- Semantic Web , IP Rights, The Logic of Money and The Law
- The “Reality is not Linear” Fallacy
- Implementation Agnostic Problem Statement For Money and Money Systems
- Systematic Ego vs True Commonality
- Formal Stability Analysis of Common Lending Practices
Defining Money
- (Formal Semantic Analysis)
- The Money PSYOP (English and Spanish)
- BIBOCURRENCY The Science of Stability Applied to Money Systems
- BIBOCURRENCY La Ciencia de la Estabilidad Aplicada a los Sistemas de Dinero
- 2015 UNWE Monetary Research Center Conference Submission:
“A proposal for harmonising current disparate (scientific and legal) definitions of money …” - The Money Action-Problem-Solution Fallacy
- Money, Measure or Commodity Not Both
- Money Does Not Circulate
- Money vs Credit
- Unveiling Money’s ‘Magic Potion’
- The Austerity Fallacy
- A Legal Approach To Cancelling All Current Money Contracts
Miscellaneous Articles
- The ECB Trojan Horse
- Silly Con Men Afraid of Sillycon Billionaires
- Starbucks in a Mutual Credit World
- Inflation? Deflation?
- Greek Debt Crisis Solved
- Bitcoin Another Conventional Currency
- Central Bank Control, Reality or Chimera?
- Unveiling Money’s ‘Magic Potion’
- MECAS Politics and Movements
- Age Of Intellectualoids & Dogmegagoguery
- Madness Only Begets More Madness
- Our Collective Death Wish
- Millions of Anonymous Whistle Blowers Or Just a Few Famous Dead Ones?
- CNN’s Brett Scott Confused About Money and Utopia
- A Response to Mattslat’s “What happens after the crypto-revolution?”
- Reality vs Past False Promises
- Hoodwinked by Polar Bear Egg Farmers
- The Wrath of Certain Eternity Rev. 2 (matter, consciousness and eternity)
- Materialism vs Idealism
- Answering Paul Grignon
- Questions That Need To Be Answered
- If only…
- The Perils of Disproportionate Loveless Commitment
- The Subtle Art of Censure by Stealth
- Bank of England Economists Evidence Absurdity of Modern Money
- Why Debunking Coercive Money is Imperative
- Bamboozlers by Bamboozlement
- The Alchemy of False Economics
- A Wake-up Call To Everyone
- The How Is In The Why
- Independence of Debt from Measure of Value
- Money “Measure” vs Money “Property”
- A Stable Economic Value Representation for All Agents and All Transactions (Submitted to the FLOK Society Ecuador Research Project)
- It’s The Money Stupid (ITMS)
- Semantic Web , IP Rights, The Logic of Money and The Law
- True Wishes for 2014
- The “Reality is not Linear” Fallacy
- Accounts Without Circulating Objects
- More on the “Money Circulates” Fallacy
- Money stability vs Economic stability
- Critique of Lietaer’s Thesis
- Inflation is not too Much Money
- More on the Money PSYOP “Store” vs “Record”
- BITCOIN Issues
- BITCOIN in Light of Passive BIBO Currency
- The Burden of Anti-truth
- Passive BIBO Terminology
- Protocols of Sane Economic Exchange
- El Caballo de Troya del BCE
- La falacia de la austeridad
- Solución a la crisis de deuda griega
- La ‘poción mágica’ del dinero
- Movimientos y Políticas MECAS
- Se acerca el gran saqueo
- ‘Podemos’ ¿Dogmegagogía o opción genuina?
- La ciencia del dinero es tan fácil como respirar
- Importancia de la ciencia de estabilidad para sistemas de dinero
- Enfoque legal para la cancelación de los contratos de dinero vigentes
- Banco de Inglaterra Provee Testimonio Clave Para Derrumbar los Contratos Financieros Modernos
- Dinero: Bien o medida pero no los dos
- El sutil arte de la censura
- Presentación al Proyecto de Investigación de la Sociedad FLOK Ecuador: “Tres pasos hacia la representacion del valor económico estable para todo agente y transacción “
- Afirmaciones Divisa BIBO Pasiva
- La Falacia Acción-Problema-Solución Del Dinero
- El Dinero no Circula
Digital Media Value Chains and Ontology (2004-2010)
– Marc Gauvin (sDae), Jaime Delgado (UPF), Roberto Garcia (UPF), Eva Rodriguez (UPF) ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Issues Regarding the Practical Implementation of the RDD April 2005, Busan, KR
– Marc Gauvin (sDae), Roberto García (DMAG-UPF), Jaime Delgado (DMAG-UPF), Eva Rodríguez (DMAG-UPF), Report Preliminary Results of RDD Core Experiment CE for Expressing “Work”ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2005/ M12511 October 2005, Nice, FR
– Marc Gauvin, Oil Depletion, Energy Waste, Debt and Capital Production, Association for the Study of Peak Oil Newsletter, June 2005
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado. Value Chain Ontologies for Intellectual Property Management September 2006. Europe-China Conference on Intellectual Property in Digital Media October 2006
– Marc Gauvin. Interoperable DRM & Content Business Modeling. Europe-China Conference on Intellectual Property in Digital Media October 2006
– Marc Gauvin BIBOCURRENCY. The Science of Stability Applied to Money Systems February 17, 2011 (Self published book online at: (english). Spanish translation:
– Víctor Rodríguez (DMAG-UPC), Jaime Delgado (DMAG-UPC), Marc Gauvin (SDAE) ISO/IEC 21000-10 Media Value Chain Ontology Reference Software Requirements April 2010
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, and Miran Choi (editors). First Draft International Standard of ISO/IEC 21000-19 Media Value Chain Ontology. Technical report, Output document N11146 in tI amO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Moving Picture Experts Group, January 2010.
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Víctor Rodríguez , and Miran Choi (editors). Final Committee Draft of ISO/IEC 21000-19Media Value Chain Ontology. Technical report, Output document N10768 in tI amO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Moving Picture Experts Group, July 2009.
– Sergio Dominguez and Marc Gauvin. Formal Stability Analysis of Common Lending Practices and Consequences of Chronic Currency Devaluation May 2009 ( )
– Víctor Torres, Jaime Delgado, Xavier Maroñas, Silvia Llorente, Marc Gauvin: Enhancing Rights Management Systems through the Development of Trusted Value Networks. WOSIS 2009: 26-35 May 2009
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, and Miran Choi (editors). Final Committee Draft of ISO/IEC 21000-19 Media Value Chain Ontology. Technical report, Output document N10455 in tI amO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Moving Picture Experts Group, February 2009.
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, and Miran Choi (editors). Committee Draft of ISO/IEC 21000-19 Media Value Chain Ontology. Technical report, Output document N10264
in tI amO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Moving Picture Experts Group, October 2008.
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, and Miran Choi (editors). Working Draft of ISO/IEC 21000-19 Media Value Chain Ontology. Technical report, Output document N10070 in the
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Moving Picture Experts Group, July 2008.
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, and Victor Rodriguez. Ontology for IP Media Networks: A response to the MVCO CfP. Input document M15631 for tI amO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, July 2008.
– Marc Gauvin, Challenges for IP Management as Represented & Communicated Digitally. Submission to WIPO “Foro sobre derechos de autor, industrias creativas y políticas públicas”Mexico City August 2007
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Eva Rodríguez, and Víctor Rodríguez Doncel. Requirements for a machine readable rights ontology.Technical report, Input document M14707 for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Moving Picture Experts Group, July 2007.
– Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel, Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado: An Ontology for the Expression of Intellectual Property Entities and Relations. WOSIS 2007: 196-203 June 2007.
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, and Victor Rodriguez. Proposed RRD Text for Approved Document No 3 – Technical Specification: Interoperable DRM Platform, ver. 2.1. Technical report, The Digital Media Project, March 2007.
– Marc Gauvin and Victor Rodriguez. Proposed RRD Requirements.Technical report, The Digital Media Project, January 2007.
– Víctor Rodríguez, Marc Gauvin, and Jaime Delgado. An ontology for the expression of intellectual property entities and relations. In 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS), June 2007.
– Marc Gauvin, Jaime Delgado, Víctor Rodríguez, and Eva Rodríguez. OWL Ontology to Represent the DMP Creation Model. Technical report, The Digital Media Project, October 2006.
– Marc Gauvin and Jaime Delgado. Value Chain Ontologies for Intellectual Property Objects. Europe-China Conference on Intellectual Property in Digital Media October October 2006
– Marc Gauvin, Eva Rodríguez (DMAG-UPF), Jaime Delgado (DMAG-UPF) MPEG 21 RDD spec vs MPEG 21 RDD versus 21000-1 (2nd edition) terms and definitions. Input document m11556 ISO/IEC/SC29/WG11. Hong Kong January 2005.
– Marc Gauvin (sDae, Spain), Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay (Medialive, France) The Notion of Underlying Work within MPEG-21, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 input document M10616 Munich, April 2004